I totally forgot,
Posted on: Thursday, April 5, 2012
Posted at: 10:21 PM
I even still had a blog. GOODNESS ME!

Oh, it's 2011 already? Certainly didn't think so.
Posted on: Saturday, January 1, 2011
Posted at: 4:24 AM
But since it is, well, here's wishing everyone a very happy new year and that all your new year resolutions come true!

...but that, you see, is the problem.

A few hours ago, on the 31st of December 2010, I was still fretting about some unfinished work. And now, on the 1st of January 2011, there's still a status quo.

I have, in all honesty, forgotten the meaning of a new year. To me, the only difference is that my calender just went one full circle and is back to displaying "1/1". To all the idealists out there who say a new year equates to a new them, this I ask - why wait till a new year dawns upon us? Change is usually inspired by, well, inspiration. And inspiration comes at any time. You could be about to hit the sack or taking a dump when inspiration hits you like a bolt of lightning. It is sudden, it is random and you sure as hell can't predict when exactly is it going to come.

And while we're still at the topic of inspiration, let's face it, new year's resolution or not, if you get inspired by something, you're gonna experience change.

Thus I wonder, you're still in Singapore, your name's still the same and the sun still rises from the east by the time you wake up tomorrow morning/afternoon/night. So what exactly is so new about this new year?

Just my 2 cents. Have a good one since the new year is still, and will always be, a time to let your hair down and party!

Joyeux Nouvelle Année!

Me, you, us, them, everyone.
Posted on: Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Posted at: 1:34 AM
Why is it that we never seem to be contended? When we're lacking, we crave. When we're satisfied, it's only be a matter of time before we desire more, as if though we've been living an underprivileged life. Alas, this probably can be attributed to the human nature. But then again, that's like telling me that there's light because a sunny little sun decided to hang around and look down on all of us.

It's redundant - I know it, you know it and they all know it.

I want more answers but I doubt that there's really more to it.
Ahaha, I talk about cravings and a new one pops up.

And the thing about desires, is that sometimes, you know that even if you reap success from your efforts, you'd end up regretting you even placed *insert goal here* on your wishlist.

Life really knows how to pull a fast one on us every now and then, along with the occasional low blow, funny.

I kinda realised that all I need to do is to be contended with what I have (and stay that way). That in itself, is another want. Ironic much?

Fuck it,
Posted on: Saturday, November 13, 2010
Posted at: 3:29 AM
Ever felt like you did so much, trying to get into a person's good books, only to end up being taken for granted? You do all that you can to not be a burden, and suddenly the notion is that you should do everything on your own, with help only coming when you ask (or at times, resort to more drastic measures). Ever felt under appreciated and overwhelmed?

I have (pretty damn sure 'most everyone has) and it truly hurts, a lot.

I should try living for myself and myself alone. But let's face it, only the most self-centered bastards could actually pull that off without feeling a wrench of the heart.

Either way, you're on the short end of the stick at most times.

Life, one helluva never-ending vicious cycle. You'll just do what's going to get you nowhere because you aren't always blessed (or cursed) with choice.

How about some much-deserved SHUT THE FUCK UP
Posted on: Thursday, September 30, 2010
Posted at: 2:23 PM

They say most people wake up feeling blue and depressed on Monday mornings because it signals the dawn of a new work/school week. For now though, I think I can safely exclude myself from that bunch because I belong to a small, privileged group which doesn't have to worry about such things for now. Rather, I make merry and frivolously waste my time away. Studies? Nah. Money? That can wait.

But... not anymore.

Just 2 days ago, I woke up to clear blue Monday skies. I felt good and I felt refreshed. But alas, all good things always come to an end. The serenity and calm derived from sitting up on my bed was soon shattered into a million pieces by a drill.

Reno-fucking-vation. Apparently, the 3rd floor and the 5th floor units are undergoing some reno-fucking-vation. Sad to say, I live quite near to these floors and the incessant drilling has definitely not cut me any slack. Let's take today as an example I fell asleep at 6 this morning only to rise and whine at 10. No I do not sleep that little (contrary to that in fact, I sleep a LOT). So why did I? No prizes for guessing. I run to my vacant-in-the-morning parents' room but it offers little respite from the murderous decibels. Nor does the kitchen or the hall. Or anywhere else for that matter. I can't even hear myself gurgle. This is absurd.

Of course, bad things (most unfortunately) usually come in a bunch. This is no exception, we have drills, louder drills, EVEN louder drills, hammers and all other sorts of serenity-killers.

These bastards should at least offer me a pair of ear plugs. Or better still, halt the damn construction and/or compensate me by paying for week's stay at a hotel. The noise is driving me bonkers. I'm outta here.

(P.s. Pray for my hearing)